Category: 3D Printing

  • How to save costs while using our service?

    Well, you maybe a student or a hobbyist or maybe even a professional. But how do you save costs to have a low production budget? We have some tips to get you going with the best price that you can have. Tip 1) Choose materials wisely. If you do not have a constraint on the…

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  • How does 3DAS lower your budget?

    3DAS, has efficient calculation methods that help you lower your overall project budget. 3DAS gives a quote that has a very little profit margin. Since this company was started by a hobbyist who 3D Prints often, our team knows about the budgets teams and hobbyists have. So, we have optimized our calculator in such a…

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  • Why 3D Print In India?

    3D Print In India is the brainchild of a young inventor who suffered because of high 3D Printing costs in the industry and had to rely on other unconventional methods of prototyping. So, to make sure that others do not suffer, he decided to prepare a service that everybody can use! Our founder aims to…

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